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Copyright Prognosys © 2004
Who are Prognosys?
Many companies offer a helping hand by supplying technical assistance. Out-Sourced I.T. as it’s known is nothing new. Unfortunately, for the consumer, many companies don’t do it very well.
Few small companies actually need to employ a full time member of staff for this role. All too often the duties get passed to the most competent amongst the existing employees. Sometimes this works well enough technically but can lack in the awareness of up-to-date cost saving products and services. A few changes in the right areas can reduce costs dramatically whilst bringing functional improvements as well.

Having someone permanently in-house avoids delay when an issue needs addressing, yet with modern internet connections using various remote software tools, any computer can be accessible as if we were there in person.

Prognosys doesn’t claim to do anything different, but we do claim to do it properly.